The Denver Hospice is locally and nationally recognized for its commitment to excellence in meeting the needs of the diverse community we are privileged to serve.
Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) is dedicated to delivering the best possible experience and to partnering with organizations and healthcare professionals that seek accreditation and related services.
The Denver Hospice earned a 2021 Gold Seal of Transparency! Now, everyone can view our financial details and learn about the people at our organization.
The Denver Hospice’s Optio Health Services continues to be recognized for for excellence in home healthcare. HHCAHPS Honors is a prestigious annual review recognizing home health agencies that continuously provide quality care as measured from the patient’s point of view.
The Denver Hospice is the first hospice in Colorado to earn Level 5 status in the We Honor Veterans campaign, a joint program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Veterans Administration.
The Denver Hospice stands out as Colorado’s only hospice program accredited by the National Institute for Jewish Hospice. To earn this designation, every caregiver participates in training sessions that foster awareness, sensitivity and respect for customs and traditions across the entire spectrum of the Jewish faith.
The Denver Hospice is honored for demonstrating the highest standards of ethical business practice. We are guided in our values and ethics by The Denver Hospice Ethics Committee.