The Denver Hospice hosts support groups and events for our community.
Candlelight Remembrance Ceremonies
Celebrate your loved one at our candlelight remembrance service with a reading of names, photos, shared reflections by those attending (optional) and a candlelight ritual. This event is open to anyone who has recently lost someone in the care of The Denver Hospice. It is an opportunity to celebrate and honor your loved one and connect with others who are coping with loss.
Ceremony Information
- Historic Eisenhower Chapel
Lowry Town Center
293 Roslyn Street, Denver, CO 80230
(Please park in the lot behind the chapel)
- 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Registration is required and will close once capacity for the number of loved ones being remembered has been reached.
- NOTE: There are no physical or electronic tickets to show to get into this ceremony. The registration application will mention tickets but there are no tickets. When you arrive at the ceremony, please give us the name of the loved one you are remembering.
Photo of loved one (optional):
- If you would like a photo (maximum of 3) to be included in the ceremony, please email them to
Upcoming Ceremonies:
CONTACT PERSON: Please direct all questions and photos to Lisa Johnson (303-398-6209 or Thank you!
The Denver Hospice In-Person Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony
Date and Time:
- Thursday, September 22, 2022 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. MST
- The Denver Hospice – Amy Davis Support Center
8289 E Lowry Blvd
Denver, CO 80230
(building next to The Denver Hospice Inpatient Care Center)
RSVP by:
- September 19, 2022
- Once capacity is met, registration will close
- Next Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony will be held in December 2022
Photo of loved one (optional): Please email a photo of your loved one to be included in the ceremony. Photos are needed by September 19th (see contact information below).
CONTACT PERSON: Please direct all questions and photos to Lisa Johnson (303-398-6209, Thank you!