Expressions of the Pen
How do we express our grief? Personal grief and work grief needs to be expressed – appropriately. As humans, we experience an enormous amount of grief – ours, our colleagues, our [...]
“I’m glad their suffering is over. They are at peace”. These two emojis communicate different expressions. The first emoji seems to be happy – accepting of life. But the emoji that’s bandaged has [...]
Her Legacy is Remarkable
What comes to your mind when you hear the word legacy? Often times we equate legacy with money or an inheritance. But it can mean so much more than that…I’m thinking more of definition number 2.
What to Expect from a Visit with the Hospice Chaplain
When I was caring for my mother during the last days of her life we received a call from the hospice chaplain who wanted to schedule a visit. But Mom refused, saying she didn’t need a chaplain [...]